It was only a couple of days but it felt like a week or two. I could ramble on about all the sights and sounds of my farm adventure, but that's what the iBeat multimedia explosion is for. So instead here's a brief summary of the highlights:
Day One- Thursday June 4th (my birthday)
-Took a train from Penn Station to Hudson, NY. Realized travel by rail is my new favorite mode of transportation.
-Arrived in Hudson and met up with Hanna who drove me to the farm in the village of Philmont.
-Greeted by a juvenile water gun firing squad upon my arrival
-Made hay, took photos, saw a turtle, learned how to thin apples, ran from a peacefully sleeping black snake, walked around in cow crap
-Had a very energetic discussion with Hugh about the politics of food production
-Canned chutney
-Met the WWOOFers
Day Two- Friday June 5th
-woke up at the crack of dawn (approx. 6:30)
-filmed the WWOOFers having breakfast
-did Hanna a favor by making sure the kids got on the school bus while she and Hugh prepared bunches of vegetables for the CSA pickup
-hiked a mile or so to the farm (the house is in the village away from the actual farm land) schlepping my gear up and down hills
-filmed and did interviews in the orchard while the WWOOFers worked
-helped make lunch
-ate a giant feast of spaghetti with meat sauce, green bean salad, beet salad, and steamed beet greens: all of which was from the farm except for the noodles
-interviewed WWOOFer Andrea a little more.
-WENT TO A HO-DOWN!!!!! Learned how to contra dance and do-si-doed until midnight
Day Three- Saturday June 6th
-slept in (which on farm time means waking up at 7:45)
-Biked through the foothills of the Catskill mountains with the WWOOFers to another organic farm called Hawthorne Valley Farm
-went on a foraging walk led by conservationist Russel Cohen- ate flowers and grasses and such straight out of the ground
-learned how to make Dandelion omelets, Cattail biscuits, and Sumac tea
-biked back
-filmed WWOOFer Mirabelle playing guitar and singing in french
-caught a ride back to Hudson to catch the 5:10 train back to the city
that was quite the experience.
I had to pull my weight while I was there especially since Hugh and Hanna were feeding me and allowing me to stay in the farm house. So, I washed a lot of dishes, thinned some of the apple trees, and tried to be generally helpful.
Needless to say, I got really immersed in the story.
Now I get to spend the next 6 days reliving it all as I begin the editing process.
Hi, I'm planning to be a WWOOFer. I wonder if you can provide me more information. I know you did a project on that, would you mind sharing. Thanks. :)